
Sunshine Blogger Award

For the uninitiated, various blogging awards are a way for a blogger to appreciate, encourage and know more about other bloggers. Thank you Richard for my first ever nomination. I did not forget about it. Finally, got some time to respond to the award posts. Check out Richard’s blog here . Richard does not appear to be in great place right now and seem to be depressed, so any appreciation and words of encouragement you could give him on his blog would help. Hang in there friend, good times are just around the corner.


Following are the questions from Richard to his nominees:-

  2. DO YOU REFLECT YOUR CHILDHOOD IMAGE OF YOURSELF, IF NOT; WHAT COULD YOU DO TO MAKE IT REALITY? My childhood image is too naive and emotionally weak. I strive to be tough in this harsh world while still keeping the goodness in my heart. Also, i enjoyed singing and dancing a lot when i was little, but lost touch with those as the life got more focused on earning a degree. Now that i have time, I am trying to include those in my day-to-day life.
  3. WHAT ACTIONS DO YOU TAKE TO BATTLE SELF DOUBT? Meditation has been a huge help and I read motivational books. What i have learnt so far is that ultimately, everyone is unique and there is no point in comparing yourself to others or have self doubt about yourself. My purpose is to try to be the better version of myself every single day.
  4. WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST INHIBITION? My greatest inhibition was to be true to my own self – my own emotional, spatial, physical needs. I worried too much about being judged or inflicting pain to others. I have started to let that go.
  5. ARE YOU HAPPY? Happiness is elusive. I am grateful and at peace for what i have.

For the sunshine blogger award, these are the rules:-

  1. Use the sunshine blogger award logo
  2. Give thanks to the blogger that nominated you
  3. Answer the 11 questions given to you
  4. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 questions


  1. How did it occur to you to start blogging?
  2. What kind of blogs or books do you like to read?
  3. Do you believe in God and why or why not?
  4. If given a chance, what would you change in your past?
  5. What do you like the most about yourself?
  6. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  7. What is your greatest inhibition?(borrowed from Richard)
  8. What kind of music do you like? Any favorite songs?










19 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award”

  1. Congratulations Jyot and thank you so much for the nomination. Good to know a little more about you 😊
    Am so glad you have brought back singing and dancing in your life 💃🏻🤗
    Happiness my dear is not elusive. It is our very nature. Sometime we tend to get lost in semantics. If you are grateful and at peace with yourself – I think is way beyond being happy 😊
    Persist with meditation and you shall find bliss. Love and blessings 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I also believe happiness is elusive and I work hard to be better version of myself and not compare myself to others because it’s wasting of time actually!
    Enjoyed your answers and appreciate the nomination so much 🙏🏻 will add it to my homework 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  3. “WHAT ACTIONS DO YOU TAKE TO BATTLE SELF DOUBT? Meditation has been a huge help and I read motivational books. What i have learnt so far is that ultimately, everyone is unique and there is no point in comparing yourself to others or have self doubt about yourself. My purpose is to try to be the better version of myself every single day.”

    That’s a great lesson to have learned!!! 😀 I try to remember this same lesson every day.

    Liked by 1 person

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